
Daisho 4.2

This release is in development. This version was not released yet but you can download it from the repository if you're interested in receiving features early.

Daisho 4.1

  1. The social icons were removed from the theme and are now available as a optional plugin called daisho-social-icons.

Daisho 4.0


  1. This is a major release that adds support for the new WordPress 5.0 editor called Gutenberg.
    1. It removes all Daisho 3.x shortcodes. We did this change because it was not possible to keep them in sync with blocks (shortcodes don't allow array attributes or easy nesting among other limitations).
    2. It removes most custom fields.
    3. It removes page templates which are now superseded by blocks.
    4. Anyone installing Daisho 4.x for the first time will have all demo content available in the form of Gutenberg blocks.
  2. When updating from Daisho 3.x to Daisho 4.x you will have to update your content to blocks. We don't offer any automatic transition path from 3.x to 4.x due to the vast amount of changes that happened. Daisho 4.0 should be seen as a brand-new theme rather than an update to Daisho 3.x. However, here is some guidance:
    • We ship 6 pages and all 6 will have to be updated. E.g. Daisho 3.x users will have the old [content-slider] shortcode on their "Services" page and if you're affected you can replace it with the new ikon/content-slider Gutenberg block.
    • For projects you need to insert the new ikon/project-meta Gutenberg block at the very top of each project.
    • Blog posts should not require any changes.
    • Please remember to import custom fields in Administration → Ikon Importer since we're no longer allowed to have them built-in according to the new Envato requirements.
    • The entire updating from 3.x to 4.x took us about 10 minutes on the demo website.
  3. Using this opportunity we also updated any other overdue parts of the theme. The theme is 100% compatible with the new Envato WordPress Theme Requirements.

Daisho 3.x

  1. Version 3.0: 2017.07.23.
  2. Version 3.1 (the last 3.x version): 2017.09.01.
  3. There is no changelog available for 3.x versions because it became irrelevant.
  4. These versions are no longer compatible with the newest WordPress and plugins.

Daisho 2.x

  1. Version 2.0: 2013.10.26.
  2. Version 2.7 (the last 2.x version): 2017.06.26.
  3. There is no changelog available for 2.x versions because it became irrelevant.
  4. These versions are no longer compatible with the newest WordPress and plugins.

Daisho 1.x

  1. Version 1.0: 2012.06.30.
  2. Version 1.9.6 (the last 1.x version): 2013.08.29.
  3. There is no changelog available for 1.x versions because it became irrelevant.
  4. These versions are no longer compatible with the newest WordPress and plugins.