The theme loads fonts in the following order:
- Sofia Pro (paid Typekit font)
- Montserrat (free Google Fonts font)
- sans-serif (the fallback font that depends on the system, it's usually Arial or Helvetica)
"Sofia Pro" is a paid font and isn't included with the theme. To enable it follow the steps:
- Subscribe to Adobe Fonts (paid service).
- Create a new Kit for your website by going to Sofia Pro and by clicking "Use fonts". (You can optionally check the official guide at this point.)
- Paste your "Typekit Kit ID" in Theme Settings → Typekit Kit ID.
Google Fonts
Google Fonts are free and don't require any configuration.
The theme comes with a custom font called "ikonicons" which contains icons created for this project. The font can be modified using IcoMoon App.