Follow the steps to install the theme:
- Download the theme ("Installable WordPress file only") from (you must be logged in).
- Upload the theme ZIP archive in Administration → Appearance → Themes → Add New → Upload Theme.
- Activate the theme and you will see the notification to install plugins.
- Install all the required plugins in Administration → Appearance → Install Plugins.
- Activate all the required plugins in Administration → Appearance → Install Plugins.
- Import the demo content in Administration → Ikon Importer.
Common installation issues
Missing Stylesheet
If you have downloaded "All files and documentation" ZIP package from (instead of "Installable WordPress file only") unzip it. Inside you'll find another ZIP package with installable theme files.
Max upload filesize limit
Some servers allow only 2 MB files to be uploaded by default. To fix this, contact the server administrator and ask them to increase that to for example 64 MB. If you have access to php.ini you can modify